First people, then technology

Corporate Social Responsibility

Relaxing meeting

Technology for Life

Nedap is a high-tech company that creates high-quality, innovative hardware and software products. We are passionate about technology and how it can help people find more enjoyment and be more successful in their professional lives. As a company, we want to make a difference for our customers. Having an eye for developing high-quality, safe, sustainable products, services, and systems is a part of that. Therefore, corporate social responsibility is an integrated part of our mission of creating Technology for Life.


Of the electricity used is green power, generated from either hydropower or wind.

1st place

In the 2020 Female Board Index complied by TIAS Business School.


Energy savings by being connected to Luxon, a connected lighting system developed by Nedap.

Personal Growth
Offering development and training
Recruiting and retaining top talent
General training programmes
Offering development and training

We invest in our people’s development on an ongoing basis by offering development and training possibilities.

Recruiting and retaining top talent

By having close contact with multiple universities and study associations, Nedap's campus recruiters try to bring the best students to Nedap.

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Nedap Univeristy
General training programmes

Besides Nedap-specific professional training, we also offer general training programmes that were developed for Nedap.

Nedap office

Supply Chain Responsibility

As a company, our overriding aim is to minimize the harmful environmental impact of our operations, and even prevent it altogether wherever we can.


Environmental audits

Our suppliers are ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems Standard) certified. In addition, we contractually record any arrangements we make in this area.


100% green power usage

Nedap procures only green power, meaning that 100% of the electricity used is generated from hydropower or wind. Also, we previously installed heat pumps and improved insulation.


Reduce packaging

Nedap and its partners have a keen focus on reducing the amount of packaging and reusing or recycling packaging.

RFID illustration

Diversity and Inclusion

At Nedap, we trust in the diversity of people and organizations. We believe that together, great companies and even greater people can achieve more than they think possible. We are committed to the inclusion of all humanity. As a global company, we value a world where it is safe for all communities and future generations to thrive.


Equal opportunities

We offer everyone the right skills, training, and drive the same opportunities. People’s background, race, sexual orientation, religion, or gender play no role.

People team employees

First place in the Female Board Index

Selecting people based on their qualities has earned us first place in the 2020 Female Board Index compiled by TIAS Business School.


International Diversity & Inclusion Community

The motivation to actively engage in diversity & inclusion resulted in the International Diversity & Inclusion Community, in which Nedap employees from around the globe participate.

Responsible Partner

Acing as a globally-operating enterprise comes with major responsibilities. We take this very seriously.


Human rights

We respect human rights, as specified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Fair wages and benefits

Wages and benefits are in full compliance with local legislation, local standards and aligned with the general principle of just and fair treatment.

People team employees

No child labour

We never use forced or child labour. We always act per the standards of Conventions No. 138 and No. 182 of the International Labour Organization and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Partners investigations

We investigate how companies with which we do business deal with human rights. The investigations are based on the OECD guideline.